You could get first, second, and third degree burns; it will be painful; the skin on wherever you got burned will start to peel off, and you might have to loose a limb if the burn is acctually that serious.
(this was written by a 13 year old girl)
Some of the dangers caused by overcrowding in the city of Rome were disease, fire, and crimes such as theft and robbery.Some of the dangers caused by overcrowding in the city of Rome were disease, fire, and crimes such as theft and robbery.Some of the dangers caused by overcrowding in the city of Rome were disease, fire, and crimes such as theft and robbery.Some of the dangers caused by overcrowding in the city of Rome were disease, fire, and crimes such as theft and robbery.Some of the dangers caused by overcrowding in the city of Rome were disease, fire, and crimes such as theft and robbery.Some of the dangers caused by overcrowding in the city of Rome were disease, fire, and crimes such as theft and robbery.Some of the dangers caused by overcrowding in the city of Rome were disease, fire, and crimes such as theft and robbery.Some of the dangers caused by overcrowding in the city of Rome were disease, fire, and crimes such as theft and robbery.Some of the dangers caused by overcrowding in the city of Rome were disease, fire, and crimes such as theft and robbery.
the comons is angry bird's.
its warm
by a fire
fire, burns
The chances of a house fire vary from household to household. It depends on living conditions, environmental conditions, and awareness.
fire, lighting and Scott mckeller
Household and hearth fire
Potential dangers include the risk of the illegal charges causing a fire hazard, such as faulty wiring or flammable materials. The fire inspector should document and report the findings to the appropriate authorities for further investigation and enforcement of regulations.
Yes, because of fire dangers, they are often forbidden.
Fire and diseases
Possible fire is the only one I can think of.