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If ur underage nd pregnant

its really hard coz ppl can sme times end up hating u

nd callin u pretty harsh names

You'll have 2 put up with a baby bump 4 9months

being sick and having pains all the time

u'll feel fat and u wnt b able 2 fit into ur clothes any more

gonna need 2 start wearin baggy clothes

wen ur baby is ready 2 cme out it will b pretty tough,

but even worse u'll b stayin up really late coz ur baby is cryin

gotta feed,clothe and look afta the baby while your still in school

u wnt really have tyme 2 go out and enjoy urself like other kids

forst few months u'll feel really stressed and emotional...

but as long as you have your family and friends their to support u

u'll b alryt but if the father of ur child refuses/leaves u to tke care of the baby on your own then it will b quiet hard nd even worse,

ur family disowns u then u should go to ur closest friend nd ask them for help

overall its not so good being underage and pregnant

so always use a condom (if used properly den its 98% affective)

and make sure ur not pressured into doin things u dnt want 2

coz u'll end up regrettin it as the consequences occures

hope I've help u

Super-Fly-Chick :-)

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

the chances are not as high as when you are in your 20's, but there is a good chance that you can become pregnant if a man ejects inside your vagina. don't try it, you'll get ur parents very mad.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

If you have started your periods and you are having regular unprotected sex the chances of getting pregnant are quite high.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

nothing really unless you are under 18 and the other person is over 18 then someone will get in trouble even if it was consented sex

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βˆ™ 14y ago

if she has her period already very high chances.if she hasn't than she can have all the sex she wants

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