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Hormones.I know this from experience.My hair is like that sometimes,but I use specialized shampoo for oily and dry hair.Most is expensive,but I can use PERT,for $2.50 at Walmart.

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Q: What are the causes of your hair being greasy and dry everyday?
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What might cause greasy hair?

the causes of greasy hair are, not washing your hair often enough. and using to much conditioner. WASH UR GREASY HAIR!

Why is showering your hair everyday bad for you?

Because it will get greasy quicker

What to do for greesy hair?

Greasy hair is natural, but some people have it worse than others. Try washing your hair more, but try to avoid washing it everyday as this causes it to produce more grease

Does most children's hair get more greasy when they reach puberty?

This is just part of puberty. The glands and hormones being released and working overtime causes greasy hair, spots, sweaty arm pits and feet. Just keep yourself clean and fresh and wash properly.

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What is greasy hair?

Greasy hair is when your hair is slimy and greasy from all the hair products you put in it.

How can you stop your hair being greasy?

use a shampoo for greasy hair, apply conditioner to the ends only n finish with a cool rinse

What causes greasy hair and shiny nose?

Whe you don't shower and its more then 2 days your nose will get really shiny from being too oily.

Should you wash your hair everyday if you get sweatie?

Yes, you should wash your hair if you are sweaty. Washing your hair is on an "as needed" basis. If your hair is greasy or sweaty you need to wash it.

How often should girls wash their hair?

It depends on their hair. If you have super curly hair you should wash it every other day... maybe every 3 days. If you have greasy hair then wash it everyday. If you have straight hair just wash it everyday. Mostly every girl washes her hair everyday.

What is a good shampoo for greasy hair?

If you have greasy hair, then that mean you shampoo less often. So, usually what you need to do is to shampoo your hair more often. If it's still greasy, then ask a hair specialist about your problem. Remember: Don't shampoo everyday, you'll get bald that way. Just shampoo every one day. Ex. Shower on Monday, skip tuesday and then shower on Wednesday.

I have been told that washing your hair everyday can dry it out and its unhealthy but if i dont wash my hair every day then it gets greasy and it looks greasy which is disgusting...what can i do?

I have washed my hair at least once a day (often twice) for the past 50 years with no issues. My hair is fine. Ignore the people that tell you differently.