Actually never rely on someone totally and at this stage he/she needs to talk with more boys and girls or he/she should go on a trip.
The worst things to say to someone who has been dumped are as follows: "It was for the best, There are other fish in the sea, You'll meet someone else soon." Or how about, "you know? I have a friend (or brother) that you may be interested in".
For heaven's sake! Why would you want to be with someone who obviously doesn't want to be with you? Dumped is dumped. Crawling after and hoping to be picked back up is degrading. Find a different girl.
the answer is her boyfriend dumped her for another girl and she was saying she can find someone like him and she was saying don't forget me and she wishes him the best
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The best farms with the best soil are usually where rivers have dumped sediment. Flood plains have been overtaken by housing, but these areas are the most rich soils for farming.
being cheated on is ALOT worse then being dumped! ive been with guys like that and have had times when he cheated on me with my best frann =( cheating is ALOT worse then getin dumped....
Yes you do it , you know you belong together , You should do it
hang out with your friends and just forget about the guy or girl and just have fun and live life! if u've been dumped ingnore it!, dont go round sayin u dumped her, cuz ppl will start finding out and probably start ganging up on u! just forget bou it find someone else
If you dumped them because you can't stand them then it hardly makes sense to be their friend. They'll still have the same irritating habits as when you were dating so it's best to move on.
Answer don't. You forget him because you are better than that and you should move on to someone else. He likes your best friend, get over it. And if she is really your bestfriend, she wouldn't go near him on that level.
There are a couple of online websites that lists some anxiety remedies, The best website to check would be Health How Stuff Works. They have a couple of good remedies.