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Q: What are the benefits of being a courage person?
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courage courage Its a coward or if there being racist... Chinese

What are the benefits of being married in the military?

You can be stationed with the person you get married to.

Why does it take courage to possess and display qualities of persistence and enthusiasm?

It takes courage to possess and display qualities of persistence and enthusiasm because it is human nature to want to please other people. For example, if a person asks another person to join a game of checkers, but the person being asked hates checkers, the answer might be, "yes", because the person being asked likes the person who asked.

Does a plucky person have plenty of fethers or courage?

They have courage not feathers.

How do you get a boyfriend or girlfriend?

You get a boyfriend/girlfriend by being kind to the person you want as you boyfriend/girlfriend and becoming their friend. Then when you get the courage you ask them out.

'Courage' means what?

Courage isn't being fearless; rather, it is being afraid and having the strenght to press on anyway.

What are the benefits of being 6 foot 3 inches?

From a short person's point of view, the benefits of being 6 foot 3 inches tall are being able to reach the top shelf in the supermarket.

How did Helen Keller courage?

Helen Keller showed courage through her whole life. She had the courage to live being blind and deaf at the same time and not being able to communicate.

What do you call a person caught being dishonest that puts the blame on person they are being dishonest to?

An idiotic liar. They obviously do not have the courage to stand up to you and atelast explain why they lied in the first place. So they place the blame on you. A Democrat.

How did Helen Keller showed courage?

Helen Keller showed courage through her whole life. She had the courage to live being blind and deaf at the same time and not being able to communicate.

Is courage a concrete or abstract?

The noun 'courage' is an abstract noun, a word for a quality; a word for a concept.You can see the courageous person or the courageous act, but the courage is within the person to accomplish the act.

What are the benefits of being a member of freemason?

There are no material benefits to belong to Freemasonry. There are spiritual, emotional and social ones, though: you become a better person, a happier person, and meet others who are trying to do the same.