MATERIALS: casserole, cup, strainer, ampalaya leaves 1.) pick some leaves of ampalaya. 2.) wash it. 3.) boil a water in a casserole. 4.) when the water starts to boil; put the washed leaves of ampalaya in it. 5.) after 3-5 minutes, drain the ampalaya leaves ( don't throw the extract ) 6.) pour the extract to the cup for you to drink it.
Ampalaya, also known as bitter melon, is known for its various health benefits. It is often used in traditional medicine to help regulate blood sugar levels, improve digestion, and boost the immune system. It is also a good source of vitamins and minerals.
ampalaya is a vegetable
Ampalaya is called Bitter Melon and has many health benefits due to the motorcading the plant has as well as the antioxidants the plant has that protect the cells in the body. It is used as an herbal tea to help rheumatism and gout.
is ampalaya monocot?
Ampalaya in English is "bitter gourd."
Ampalaya plants have a strong odor and bitter taste.
Ampalaya has a strong smell and a bitter taste.
First cut the ampalaya into circular cut, and after cutting ampalaya , boil it for 2-3 mins. and after that, mix the flour and the cornstarch and dress the circular cut ampalaya with the flour and cornstarch, after dressing it , prepare a hot oil in the pan, deep the ampalaya until it colors golden brow, and serve it with a cheeze deep !((:
is ampalaya monocot?
Diabetes, cardiovascular illnesses and degenerative arthritic conditions have now become major public health problems that is set to double by the next decade. Nutraceuticals offer long term benefits to diabetes with the strongest effect if used in combination. Ampalaya Plus is an innovative product composed of 3 herbs: ampalaya, banaba and luyang dilaw. Ampalaya Plus is gathered from clean, pollution-free farms. It can help in diabetes, high blood, high cholesterol, weight control and pimples and acne.
Yes, it is.