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Q: What are the benefits of a clean community?
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How will you promote the clean living in your community?

The best way to promote clean living in your community is to educate everyone. When you tell them the benefits, many people will get on board with you.

Do overnight hours count for community service?

Over night hours can could as community service, if your job benefits the entire community, for an example, your job is to clean up litter on the high way, working overnight will could as community service, but if your job is benefiting a company, it will not.

What is community clean up?

community clean up is when you or a group gather together to pick up trash.

What is good sentence for word community?

Sally volunteered in her community. The community benefits from volunteers.

What are the tips to make a barangay clean and a peaceful community?

clean the streets

What are the benefits of community?

Ans) hand shake

How does the komodo dragon benefits to its community?

It can do well

What are the benefits gained by the community as rendered by the police?


What is community leadership?

communiy leadership to me is that to keep your community clean and be nice and fair to every one in thae community.

What are the economic benefits of clean air?

Having clean air can create many economic benefits. One long term benefit is that by having clean air, people will be healthier, and as such, health care costs will be low.

What are the benefits of supporting charities that provide clean water to remote charities?

There is no benefit whatsoever in one charity supplying benefits or clean water to another charity, no matter how remote. It is PEOPLE that need clean water, not charities.

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