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nothing because it helps the environment to get along with earths human beings and wildlife (also is nature)

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Q: What are the bad things about recycling?
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Does the water cycle do any bad things?

No water cycle does not do any thing bad. It helps in recycling of water.

Is recycling a bad thing?

No.Recycling is a very helpful thing to do,and it doesn't cost you anything,you will just put the recyclable things in the recycling box. :)

What is bad about recycling?


What is recycling programs?

recycling programs is to re-use the things that broke

Why DO WE HAVE recycling?

we have recycling because when you do recycle they can make new things out of it so they don't have to waste on brand new things

Does recycling make things?

When things are recycled, they are crushed to bits, melted, and then formed into completely new products. Yes, recycling makes things.

Could recycling be bad for the Earth?


What recycling is suituble for recycling? go to this website for extensive information on exactly what, where and how things can be recycled. Cell Phone Recycling is one of the major recycling nowadays.

How would recycling help your world?

Recycling helps our world because it changes used things into new things that are useful. It changes old things to new.

Why is recycling aluminum bad?

its bad because when you recycle it it spreads out pollutents that can harm you.

Were you can recyle things?

You can recycle things at your nearest recycling center

How do you use waste things?

we can use waste things by recycling