There are no bad physical effects of masturbation.
the bad effects of wood to people
If you think rationally there are no bad effects of camera.
Bad spark plugs can have a variety of effects on the performance of your car's engine. Signs of bad spark plugs include a rough idle, engine hesitation, hard starting, check engine light illuminated with a DTC P0300 and reduced engine power.
bad question.25 watts of light?25 watts of music?What kind of plants?What kind of light source?more information needed.
No, I have not had any bad effects on the Zambesi River.
mechanical energy good effects: no waste Bad Effects: over use can harm
Good effects - It can keep you entertained Bad effects - You may become a weeaboo
There are no adverse effects except bad spelling and grammar.
the good effects on a estuary is the amountof animals and plants it gets. the bad effects are when the animals harm the estuaries and when the water is harmful in the ocean
Yes, they have really bad effects
good effects of metals