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Death, infection, allergic responses, sneezing, coughing, breathing cessation, itching, sweating, insomnia, twitching, hives, rashes, watering eyes, obsession, mental confusions,
nervousness, anxieties, and life malaise bordering on self-destructions.

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Kaartik Dhiman

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2y ago

Exotic food is mostly non-veg, and eating very much of meat causes obesity.

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Q: What are the bad effects of exotic foods?
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What are the good effects of food miles?

That England gets exotic foods and gets them cheap.

What are good effects of exotic foods?

Some good effects are that there are foods that have great antioxidant power and can be very beneficial to your health like the Lincoln berry fruit that come from Scandinavia. Try the jam or even a smoothie.

What is the origin of exotic foods?

The origin of different exotic foods is different. One exotic food may come from South America while another may come from Asia for example. Exotic is also relative to where you come from. In Southeast Asia, German and Italian foods are seen as exotic, whereas in Europe, Thai and Vietnamese foods are considered exotic.

Where can you find exotic foods in the Philippines?

You can find exotic foods wherever you go. But you could find more of them in Lipa,Batangas; Kalayaan, Laguna and Davao.

What are the bad effects of street foods in your health?

Its So mahal..ubos pera sa bulsa ^^

What is exotic meat?

Exotic foods are foods that are not familiar. It is a kind of weird. Exotic foods may be harmful to your health because we do not know or we are not surely that it is just alright for us to eat. Exotic foods has different kinds, exotic fish. exotic fruits..etc.. examples of exotic foods are the...frog heart alive, beetles, scorpions, starfish, mushrooms, baluts, ETC.

What are those exotic food?

Exotic foods are those foods that are not usually eaten by people. A great example is the Balut of the Philippines, Frog Legs of Most western countries and crickets from China.

What other meaning of exotic foods?

exotic food is like food from all round the world / in hot, exotic countries. =] x

What does exotic food mean?

Iintriguingly unusual or different; excitingly strange. Perhaps like, roasted snails, basted in beer and fried in banana oil served over malted sand ... lol!!

Are there any side effects to eating foods specifically to burn fat?

Some of the food you can consume has been linked to side effects including too many blood thinners and some foods for losing weight are often bad if they are not organic.

What will be the good and bad effects of eatieng fatty foods?

There aren't many good effects. The bad ones are weight gain, loss of self estem, and also heart diseases. But if you like being overweight then that would be a good thing.

Health befits and bad effects of cashew nuts?

Cashew nuts are considered one of the healthiest foods. They contain heart-protective monounsaturated fats. Bad effects of the cashew nut are they can go rancid quickly, because they do have a high fat content.