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Very few. In fact, the disadvantages far outweigh the advantages in most places. Here is a list of advantages:

  1. No unplanned pregnancy
  2. Understanding your partner better (though this is debatable)
  3. No sexism in the relationship
  4. Being openly gay, particularly if you are a gay parent, is slightly trendy today (in some areas) so those gay people might have an easier time making friends or fitting in, though this happens only in very specific situations.
  5. You can go to the restroom together.
  6. Depending on the couple, you may be able to share some cases, an entire wardrobe.
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Q: What are the advantages of homosexuality?
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Homosexuality existed before civilization.

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No, homosexuality is natural for many people.

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homosexuality is not a disease, so there is no "treatment" for it.

When was Journal of Homosexuality created?

Journal of Homosexuality was created in 1976.

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No, it does not have any effect on homosexuality.

How is homosexuality constructed?

homosexuality is not constructed. It is a natural sexual orientation.

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Homosexuality and masculinity have little to do with each other.

What is the problem with homosexuality?

Nothing... The problem is people having a problem with homosexuality