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Q: What are the advantages of having or not having human appendix?
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What organ has no functions in human?

The human body is a highly complex system where every organ has a function. There is no organ in the human body that serves no purpose.

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Appendix differences in human and cat?

There is a major difference between an appendix in a human and a cat. Namely, cats do not have an appendix, while people do. The appendix has no use within the body, but can sometimes become infected and will need to be removed.

Does the cat have an appendix like human does?

Probably, but the appendix serves little funstion anyway.

What is the function for the appendix?

The appendix currently serves no useful function in the human body. It is believed that the appendix used to have a useful function, but over the years, the human body has evolved in such a way that the appendix is now extraneous tissue.

What feature of the human cecum is lacking in the fetal pig?

The human cecum has a vermiform appendix, which is lacking in the fetal pig. The vermiform appendix is a small, finger-like projection located at the junction of the small and large intestines in humans, serving as a reservoir for beneficial gut bacteria.

What is the vestigial organ in human aliemetary cannal?

The appendix is considered a vestigial organ in the human alimentary canal. It is a small pouch connected to the beginning of the large intestine and is believed to have had a role in digestion in our evolutionary ancestors, but now serves no clear function in humans.

What is a appendectomy?

Surgery to remove a human appendix.

What structure in the human is analogous to the cecum?


What human organ corresponds to the caecum?

The human organ that corresponds to the caecum is the appendix, which is a small pouch attached to the caecum at the beginning of the large intestine.

What is the appendix use for in human?

The appendix is not really needed in the human body, it is just there to help your body with digestion.

What does the appendix has to do with inability to digest cellulose?

The human appendix is a vestigial organ that no longer serves a significant digestive function. It is not directly related to the body's ability to digest cellulose, which is a complex carbohydrate found in plants. Inability to digest cellulose is due to the lack of necessary enzymes in the human digestive system.