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I couldn't find anything in medical historical literature, except it was formerly used as emetic (vomiting) but is nowadays considered as too toxic for use.

In agriculture and plant growing (eg. vineyards) it is still used as fungicide, pesticide or herbicide.

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Q: What are the Uses of blue stone copper sulphate in woman?
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What Copper sulphate used for?

Copper Sulfate has many different uses, on common one is the treatment of diseases and parasites in aquaculture and ornamental fish.

What is the name formula and uses for another compound containing copper?

CuSO4 white un-hydrous copper Sulphate used for detection of water as it turns blue if water exists.

What are uses of copper sulphate?

used as a herbicide, fungicide and pesticide. Also to test blood for anaemia and usually at schools used to make crystals

What are the uses of copper sulphate?

used as a herbicide, fungicide and pesticide. Also to test blood for anaemia and usually at schools used to make crystals

Why are your blood cells red?

Your Blood cells contain Iron which is red there is a animal that uses copper sulphate instead of iron so that's why its blood is blue!

What is difference between sulphides and sulphates?

Sulphides are compounds containing sulfur in a -2 oxidation state, such as iron sulfide (FeS). Sulphates are compounds containing sulfur in a +6 oxidation state, bonded to four oxygen atoms, such as magnesium sulfate (MgSO4). Sulphides are usually insoluble in water, whereas sulphates are often soluble.

What is the formula and uses for another compound using copper?

CuSO4 white un-hydrous copper Sulphate used for detection of water as it turns blue if water exists.

How do you formulate Cheshunt compound a fungicide.?

Cheshunt compound is a fungicide that can be made by mixing equal parts of copper sulfate and ammonium carbonate in water. The solution is then added to a sprayer and applied to plants to control fungal infections. It is important to follow proper safety precautions when handling and applying this mixture.

What is copper sulphate?

· Copper sulphate is a fungicide used to control bacterial and fungal diseases of fruit, vegetable, nut and field crops. Some of the diseases that are controlled by this fungicide include mildew, leaf spots, blights and apple scab. It is used in combination with lime and water as a protective fungicide, referred to as Bordeaux mixture, for leaf application and seed treatment. It is also used as an algaecide, an herbicide in irrigation and municipal water treatment systems, and as a molluscicide, a material used to repel and kill slugs and snails. . It is generally used as insecticide in agriculture & in the wood industry. The uses of copper sulphate are: As a Herbicide, Fungicide and Pesticide.To control the amount of algae in ponds etc. To test for proteins (used in the Biuret reagent). To test blood for anaemia. Blood is put in copper sulphate solution, but containing sufficient Haemoglobin sinks. To sometimes make deep blue-green fireworks. As a hair dye (with other chemicals). Processing of leather and textiles. To make Copper Sulphate Crystals.

How do you create you in doodle god?

Fertilizer and limestone, (Lime stone is quite useful) My husband uses limestone and copper to keep bugs off his plants.

How do you create what in Doodle God?

Fertilizer and limestone, (Lime stone is quite useful) My husband uses limestone and copper to keep bugs off his plants.

What is the uses of copper?

It can be used for pennies, copper wire and many other uses