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Stomach acid contains: Gastric Acid, Hydrochloric Acid (HCl), Potassium Cholride (KCl) and Sodium Chloide (NaCl)

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Do fish have stomach acids?

Fish that have a stomach, generally secrete stomach acid (HCl). However, not all fish have a stomach. For example carp have no stomach and thus no stomach acid secretion.

What is an example of a very acid pH value?

The classic example is stomach acid, which has a pH of approximately 2. This is equal to the acid in car batteries.

How does pythor get crushed in the great devourer?

Stomach acid and other stomach juices

Why is magnesium hydroxide taken for stomach pain?

Stomach pain is often the result of too much acid in your stomach. The acid is called hydrochloric acid. Magnesium Hydroxide is a base (the opposite of an acid) and it can counter the effects of stomach acid, possibly relieving stomach pain. The acid and the base neutralise each other, producing neutral substances.

Is an antacid medicaine reacting with stomach acid an example of a physical rather than a chemical change?

No. Antacids neutralize the hydrochloric acid in the stomach. It is a chemical change.

What is the best stomach acid substitute for a science experiment other than hydrochloric acid?

A good stomach acid is LEMON JUICE! I did a science project on it and I got an A+

Is stomach acid acid or alkali's?

stomach acid is and acid

Is stomach acid alkalis or acid?

stomach acid is and acid

IS acid dengerous for stomach?

If not the acid we use in our stomach. Diluted hydrochloric acid is what the body uses to begin digestion, but some other strong acid that was more highly concentrated than HCl would do great damage to the stomach.

Why do tums help with stomach aches?

It is used to neutralize the stomach because alka seltzer is a acid and when a acid and base are used together they neutralize each other.

What is a good example of an acidic bodily fluid in a healthy individual?

Stomach acid

How does the rectum help digest your food?

stomach acid your talking about stomach acid stomach acid dissolves your food and that's digesting and then when one day has past all the food from the other day would have dissapeared