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Q: What are the Long term effects of using speed?
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In reality is weed actually bad What are some long time effects Please explain thoroughly?

There is evidence that using marijuana has long term effects on the brain such as short term memory loss.

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went alcohol is used it makes u drunk and u may do something u may regret. team kickface

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No, it also has short-term effects.

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The long term effects of Slavery was: Civil War Racism More Civilization

What are long terms and short terms affects?

long term effects are things that occur over a long period, such as testicular cancer from HGH (human growth hormone) use. Short term effects are things that occur soon after the stimulus, such the "high" from using most drugs.

What are the long term and short term effects?

One Long term affect is social issues

What is the difference between a short term and a long term effect of the use of cocaine?

bad gas, diarrhea, and weight gain are some effects for using drugs.

What does it mean when you die of substance abuse?

It means that you died as a result of an overdose or long term effects of using drugs or alcohol.