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Q: What are the Health benefits of cobra vine plants?
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What are the health benefits of cobra vine?

go the to Doctor and find your inner peace

What are the benefits of cobra vine?

go the to Doctor and find your inner peace

What is the porpuse of cobra vine plants?

it also alternative for snake bites, if you were bitten by a snake, just chew 5 pieces of it.

What snake's head is as big as a humans head a vine snake or king cobra snake?

king cobra

What are some examples of vine in the Philippines?

Example of vine plants in the Philippines

What are the vine like plants called?

Vine-like plants are simply referred to as vines. Vines are plants that grow long, trailing stems or tendrils that can climb, spread, or hang. Examples of vine plants include ivy, grapevines, and morning glories.

Describe the symbiotic relationship between rafflesia plant and vine?

The symbiotic relationship between a Rafflesia plant and vine is parasitism.The Rafflesia plant benefits, but the vine suffers and soon dies.

Is orchid a vine?

Some types of orchids are climbing plants.

What eats the vine maple plant?

Deer, rabbits, and rodents such as squirrels may eat vine maple plants. Additionally, insects such as aphids, caterpillars, and beetles can also feed on the leaves and stems of vine maple plants.

What are the 10 example of vines in the Philippines?

Cypress Vine,Grape,Black Eyed Susan Vine,Climbing Rose,Poison Ivy,Jade Vine,Sweet Pea,Squash,Moonflower Vine, and Runner bean

Black heart disease is found in which plants?

sweet potatoe vine

What is a one word palindrome for climbing plants?

gummy bears