1 in 1,000,000
This really depends on how old you are right now. A study by the UK Department for Work and Pensions recently put the odds of a 20 year old in 2011 living to be 100 at 1 in 4.35. The odds of an 80 year old living to be 100 is about 1 in 13. The odds of a 50 year old living to be 100 is about 1 in 7. These are rough estimates, and they can depend a lot on health/family histories.
90 out of 100
1 out of 100
Current estimate is that there are over 450.000 people over 100 living in the world today
If I am 100 years old, I would have been born 100 years ago from the current date.
The current year is 2016, 100 bc was a hundred years before Christ was born.There are 2116 years between the two dates.
50 out of 100
We will see a new moon
A century has 100 years, so just add 100 to the current year.
The odds are 100% if he is currently in custody.