This can be caused by a number of things. You need to make a appointment with your Opthamologist (Optician) as soon as possible.
Yes, the standard barrel has A5/x7 threads, but you can order it with 98/Alpha black threads.
in the right eye a small black ring in vision ?
dogs in gneral see all black and white color
Yes, they have the same threads.
American Black Bears have full color vision.
That part of the vision that is perceived by the cones of the eye. Rods detect black and white.
If you buy it with 98 threads, then yes.
because you have vision problem.
No, they use different threads. A5 threads: A5 X7 Prolite TPX BT4 New T68s Phenom 98 threads: all 98 variants alpha black/bravo one Project salvo Carver one/tango one
if that was the case the NBA and NFL wouldn't be filled with black people
No, black panthers do not have night vision. They rely on their strong sense of hearing and acute sense of smell to navigate and hunt in low light conditions. Their distinctive black coloration helps them blend into the darkness, making them more effective hunters at night.