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Things like Classical Music, mother's touch, yoga, sleeping, cold water, scenery, paintings, flowers and breathing techniques.

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Q: What are ten things that calm people down?
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How do you get calm down naturally?

You can count to ten or focus on slowing your heartbeat down.

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If your dog See's a spirit or demon, calm down, count to ten. Dogs see things their not suppose to see. But if that happens, it might mean bad luck, karma, or something incredibly AWESOME. But beware of what you believe.

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You can watch the "Powers of Ten" video online at TopDocumentaryFilms. Powers of Ten explores the relative size of things from cosmic down to microscopic. It illustrates the astounishing size differences between different things in our universe.

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You sit down and do it.

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just calm the love one down every time he/she gets mad or you could help then in a way... you could give them tips on how to calm down such as counting to ten while you inhale and exhale slowly consutrating on your breathing at all times, tell them to stop take a moment to think about their actions.

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When you have ten days of seniority and have neutral or positive karma, you can send things to people if they are your friends. With 30 days of seniority, you can send things to people without them being your friend.

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Count to ten to calm down. You should never hurt your child. You should ask your husband what he does to make her say things about him without making him angry.If you feel the urge to yell, ask your child why she says those things. Try not to yell. She probably doesn't try to make you angry. Remember, she is young.Good luck!

What can you do to stop my shaking when excited or stress?

This may sound cheesy but i find the best thing that work for me is to breathe in slowly (around 10-20 seconds depending on how good your lungs are) and breathing out slowy, ten tims. Another thing could be to talk about it with someone why you are stressed or exicted, they might be able to calm you down. Some people have weird ways to calm down like liking their hands, or blowing spit bubble in there mouths. You just have to find whatever works best for you :)

How many commandments did the Lord tell Moses on Mt Sinai?

Ten commandments first ten commandment God made then when Moses came down from the mountain he saw the evil things his people were doing and threw the commandments in anger breaking them so he rewrote them because God told him to