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You mean a physical substance which could be lead or concrete.

Some ultraviolet radiation can be blocked by sunblocks and clothing. Other types of radiation such as X-Rays used in medicine can be blocked by lead.

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Q: What are substances that block radiation?
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Substances that emit ionizing radiation

Which type of radiation is most penetrating in solid substances?

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How is radiation is dangerou?

Ultraviolet is ionising radiation. That means that it will ionise (turn into ions) some substances due to being a high energy form of electromagnetic radiation. If these 'substances' happen to be in your skin then you can start to see how UV radiation can be bad.

How is radiation is dangerous?

Ultraviolet is ionising radiation. That means that it will ionise (turn into ions) some substances due to being a high energy form of electromagnetic radiation. If these 'substances' happen to be in your skin then you can start to see how UV radiation can be bad.

How is ultraviolent radiation dangerous?

Ultraviolet is ionising radiation. That means that it will ionise (turn into ions) some substances due to being a high energy form of electromagnetic radiation. If these 'substances' happen to be in your skin then you can start to see how UV radiation can be bad.

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Radiation therapy is delivered via external radiation or via internal radiation therapy (the implantation/injection of radioactive substances).

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How much concrete is needed to block nuclear radiation?

My Astronomy professor says that we need at least 15 feet of concrete to block nuclear radiation.

What materials can block electromagnetic radiation?

That depends on the wavelength of the radiation.chicken wire can block radiation with a wavelength longer than about 10cm.a metal screen with 2mm holes can block radiation up to microwaves.most solids can block IR and visible light.lead is typically needed to block x-rays.many meters of lead and/or concrete is needed to block gamma rays.

What will block gamma radiation?

a thick layer of lead