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The step test is a way to test your cardiovascular endurance without putting a lot of stress on the body. Typically it is done for 3 miniutes and the heart rate is taken before and then taken in timed intervals to see how long it takes the heart to recover to a normal heart rate.

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Q: What are step test used for?
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What is a part of the step test for assessing cardiorespiratory fitness?

A step test is a popular was in determining how fit a person is. A 12-inch step is used and the test is done in three-minute intervals. You will also need a stopwatch to time heart rate both during and after the test.

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That is a good question! The answer is simple. You do step by step dilution of the serum with probably normal (isotonic) saline solution and test the same for Widal test. This is how you do quantitative test for many other tests also.

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