Sexy. Beautiful. Amazing ! Funny.Lovely. Georgous.
Crazy. Insane. Modest. The best thing that's ever happened to you !
Just whatever you think of when you think of that person =]
Nice words starting with the letter a to describe a person:ableadorableagreeableamazingappreciativeartisticastuteathleticattractiveawesome
evil, horrible ect.
irresistible important intoxicating
Can put a smile on ANYONE'S face
The topsAceMondoPrime
WikiAnswers does not give answers that will enable someone to be mean to another person.
Nouns are not describing words, adjectives are words that describe nouns. The word Grinch is a noun. Some adjectivesthat describe the noun Grinch are:fictionalambitiousenergeticconfusedstrange
heartwarming, hot, healthy,