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All depends on the way your talking are you on steirods and tying to get off or do you want to stay away from them? if you want to stay away from them just keep them off your mind mentally and stay away from the bottle of it. Go do push ups or work out at a physical fitness club.

If you want to get off them throw away the bottle or needle or both and go do push-ups or do the same as you would if you were trying to stay away from them

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Q: What are some ways of prevention for steroids?
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Anabolic steroids can enter the body by injection or in pill form

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Steroids can make your period longer. They effect everyone in different ways. Your period can be effected even up to a month or two after the steroids.

Are steroids illegal drugs?

steroids aren't illegal if they are prescribed to you. they are illegal if they weren't issued to you, or if you abuse them

What are some safety issues on steroids?

he Hell with this Question Go on Wikipedia and search Steroids

Some athletes have took drug tests to prove they are not on steroids?

Some athletes have taken drug tests to prove they are not on steroids.

Are some steroids called anabolic steroids?

Yes... From wikipedia:Anabolic steroids, officially known as anabolic-androgen steroids (AAS), are drugs which mimic the effects of the male sex hormones testosterone and dihydrotestosterone.

Do you get hornier on steroids?

Some steroids will, but some will kill your libido. Steroids like Test cyp, Test E and all other forms of artificial Testosterone will make you hornier. Steroids like Trenbolone, Deca will make your dick limp and kill your sex drive.

What is steroids contraindicatin with?

some people with arthritis

What does a prevention trial evaluate?

A prevention trial seeks to find better ways to prevent disease from occurring or prevent disease from returning. Medicines, vaccines, vitamins, and lifestyle changes can all be candidates for a prevention trial.

Is this sentence correct Some athletes have took drug tests to prove they are not on steroids?

It should be: 'Some athletes took drug tests to proove they were not on steroids'

Which is correct some athletes have taken drug tests to prove they are not on steroids or some athletes have took drugs tests to prove they are not on steroids?

"have taken" is correct

Did the rock take steroids?

YeAh the boy took some steroids but who know who Johnny Flynn is he put the team on his back do