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well as for me, the most common unhealthy things are smoking, eating junk and unhealthy foods, drinking liquors too much, and drug abusing.

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Q: What are some unhealthy things people do?
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Why do you think some people choose unhealthy behaviors?

Because they have a choice.

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Because it's unhealthy for you, the people around you (friends, kids, etc) and all the things you own.

Why do some people like unhealthy foods?

because they are delicious and most of them are fat.

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...Are people who are unhealthy.

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Depression is actually pretty common, and I think the statistic is one in three people will develop it at some point in their lives. Sometimes it's just a natural coping mechanism to the bad things in life, other times it can be linked to the changing of the seasons (SAD) but the condition can be made worse by an unhealthy lifestyle. The condition itself isn't unhealthy, but it is important to seek out help for depression.

Would you choose a healthy heart or a unhealthy heart?

i would choose a healthy heart because having an unhealthy heart will give you cancer heart disease you will die lots of bad things can happen to you but when you have a good heart you will be in great shape you will be able to do things people who have unhealthy hearts wish they could do!!!!!! that's why a healthy heart is the best decision to make!!