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Q: What are some traits to cholesterol?
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What are some examples of cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a sterol.l

How are some traits are inherited?

There are some traits that are inherited from the family. Some of the traits that are inherited are eyes,hair color and blood.

How many words from cholesterol?

Some words that can be made from the letters in 'cholesterol' are:cellcheercherootchestchorechoosechosecloseclosetclotclothclothescoltcoolcorecostcoteelellerectetchetherheheelhellhelloherhereheroholehoothosehosthothotelleelestletlooselootloselostlotocherohororeotherreelrestretchrolerollroostrootroserotroteschoolseeseersellsetshesheersheetshellshoeshooshootshoreshortshotsleetslotsosolesootsoothesotteetellthetheetherethreetotoetoletolltootooltorchtoretreetroll

Why are some traits not inherited?

Some of these traits are recessive and are not actually seen but are there.

What is a source of cholesterol?

Some sources of cholesterol are cheese, egg yolk, red meat, white meat, and some sea food.

How do you get traits?

traits are in your genes. some are hereditary

What are some yorkshire pig traits?

A Yorkshire pig has a few traits. Some of the traits are slim, pig and big.

Do you know where I can find some low cholesterol diets?

The Allrecipes site has a great selection of low cholesterol recipes! Salads, some wraps, baked chicken breasts and some light pasta dishes are low in cholesterol. You can check them out here:

What are some traits affected by?

some traits are affected by the enviornment, mutations, and your DNA.

What are some foods that have lower cholesterol?

Below is a link to the Mayo Clinic's website describing five low cholesterol foods. Some of these include oatmeal, fish and nuts.

What are some cholesterol vitamins?

Vitamins are good for you but there are no cholesterol vitamins. There are vitamins, like Vitamin C, that some people suggest help lower cholesterol. More information can be found through WebMD, the MayoClinic, and MedlinePlus.

Is cholesterol found in shredded Parmesan cheese?

As cheeses come from animals the all contain some cholesterol.