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Q: What are some things you can do to help you grow taller?
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If you are 16 and already taller than your parents can you grow taller?

It depends upon genetics. Some people will grow again taller and some will stop growing.

Can human growth hormone help you grow taller?

yes but there are some bad side affects to using them

Do some redwoods grow taller than 350 feet?


Your son is 10 and very short can he wear leg weights to help him grow taller?

Just give him some more time it all depends on his genetics.

Can pudding make you taller?

Yes, pudding can make you taller. I am not sure how and why, but I heard it and looked it up and yes, it makes you taller. Also I had some and I grew, like an inch taller. So if you want to grow taller, eat pudding! :)

How do you grow taller for free?

You pay some one 60 dollars. And they will hit you with a magic wand and you shall GROW!

When does boys get taller?

every boy gets taller at different pases and some may not grow for a long time then have a big growth spert

What are some tips for getting taller?

Because milk has calcium, it can help you grow. Calcium is a strong bone builder,that keeps them strong. When the bone gets bigger(by having a lot of calcium) your skin is forced to stretch. Resulting in you getting taller. -L.D.C

Do some California California redwoods grow taller than 350 feet?


Does fertilizer make plants grow taller?

Fertilizer can help plants grow taller by providing essential nutrients they need for healthy growth, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. However, overuse of fertilizer can lead to excessive growth or "leggy" plants that may be weak or unhealthy. It's important to use fertilizer in appropriate quantities and according to the specific needs of the plant species.

Do guys usually grow taller then girls?

Young girls will usually be taller than young boys because they mature before boys do. But once a boy begins to mature, he'll likely grow much taller than a girl. Most men are taller than women at their respective ages of maturity. However, it is not uncommon for a man to be short or for a woman to be tall. But some times boys think the will grow be for girls. Some boys think that they are not going to grow and get mad.

How did dinosaurs make trees grow taller?

Dinosaurs ate lots of leaves. This would have put some selective pressure on trees to grow taller, so more or all of their leaves would be out of the reach of dinosaurs.