It all depends on how close you two still are...
If you guys are not so close and want to be friends or something just be like so whats up with have you been but too become closer make sure you have trust for this person first
As a friend.
Maybe your girlfriend isn't over her ex husband.
Because he is afraid you will tell his current girlfriend some unflattering things about him.
No, unless she has asked you not to.
At anytime. And she's mire likely love you more if you get hurt A LOT!!!!!! Blonde's are the most careless girlfriend's. And is best to get a new girlfriend and show her off to your ex or ex ex girlfriend. If you show your newest girlfriend she's likely to accept you more as a friend.
Only if you are sure that you will never talk to your ex girlfriend again.
There is no right or wrong answer to this question, as it depends completely on your current partner. In general, I would say it isn't very wise to talk about ex's with your current partner. As a second opinion to the first one above, I would recommend avoiding conversations about your ex with your girlfriend...talking about your ex might make your girlfriend think that you are thinking about your ex instead of about her...which might cause some unwanted anger and jealousy. Try talking to your friends about your ex if you feel like you really need to talk about the ex that badly.
Give her space for a few days
don't talk to them unless they talk to you
If she was real, she will not become an ex.
Tell ehr it makes you uncomfortable when she talsk to her Ex
probably to tell your new girlfriend it was your fault you broke up and that she shouldn't date you.