It improves teeth health, and in some countries, they put it in
tap water.
What are the good and bad about health?
The good thing about health is having it. And so, the bad thing
is not having it. SOme people say that you don't miss something
until it's gone, and that can be said about health.
Is mouthwash a good idea to use for oral health?
Mouthwash is a good addition to brushing teeth for dental
health. The mouthwash soaks the mouth and goes in between teeth,
killing some bacteria the toothbrush missed.
How does various soft drinks effect staining of teeth?
Usually because they have a lot of fat, sugar and/or salt.
We can have SOME of that and it's fine, but if we have too much,
it can damage our health. Raise blood pressure, make us fat, rot
our teeth...
brush the teeth, of course..... but in some cases, teeth are not
able to be whitened by just brushing it. some people go to dentists
and ask it to be bleached to make it whiter.