If an adhesive bandage is placed on a bodypart which will generally encounter quite a lot of movement/use, the bandage is likely to experiance additional "wear and tear" and probably come off sooner than expected. (E.g on hands, feet or elbows etc...)
Also if the bandage is applied to a bodypart which is likely to get wet (e.g hands) the bandage is unlikely to stay on effectively.
It is usually the two M's, "movement" and "moisture" which cause adhesive bandages to come off prematurely.
A bandage is a sterile adhesive band that is used to cover cuts and grazes. Some brands of bandages include Band-Aid, Curad, Elastoplast and Nexcare.
There are some recommended contents for a household first aid bag. They include absorbent compress dressings, adhesive bandages, adhesive cloth tape, antibiotic ointment packages, antiseptic wipe packets, etc.
Some of the essentials of any first aid kit include adhesive bandages, gauze roll, sterile cotton balls, eye shield, antiseptic solutions, saline, antihistamines such as Benadryl.
Some are; Sticking plasters, bandages, sutures, glue, antibiotics, disinfectant.
They usually contain basic bandages such as band aids. They also usually have some protection like rubber gloves. Mostly all of them have some kind of disinfectant for cuts. More advanced kits contain tweezers and scissors. There are a huge variety of materials that can be put in a first aid kit.
The nurse applied bandages to the wounded man's arm.Bandages can be made from any clean, absorbent cloth.The doctor removed the patient's bandages.
There are different kinds of first aid kits available, some for home use and some to keep in a car, for example. The kit in the home should contain things like bandages, rubber gloves, alcohol wipes and medical adhesive tape.
target. walgreens. bandaid. some^
some times fabric ar plastic
My pharmacies carry bandages but if you are looking to save a buck, discount stores like Wal-Mart and Target carry bandages too. Also dollar stores such as the Dollar General, Dollar Tree and the Family Dollar will also carry bandages at a price that's easier on the wallet.
U can get bandages at a chemist or from ur doctor but if u have a twisted ankle the best thing to do is get a bandage and than some crutches xxx $exychick
Scotch tape and similar and some medical tapes that have adhesive on one side.