well, the one is called the paper game
1.write the number 1 through 9 in a column on a piece of paper
2.Beside numbers one and five,write the names of the opposite sex
3.write anyone's name beside numbers two,three,and four
4.Write down four song titles beside numbers six,seven,eight,and nine
RESULTS at bottom of page!!!!! dont look or you'll ruin it ..... so finish the paper ... then look
1.the person you love is beside number one
2.the person beside number five is the one you like but can't work out
3.you care most about the person beside number two
4.the person beside number three is the one who knows you very well
5.the person you name beside # 4 is your lucky star
6.the song beside#6 is the song that matches with the person in # 1
7.the song in number 7 is the song for the person beside # 5
8.the song in number 8 tells most about your mind
9.the song you put in the ninth space tells how you dell about life!!!!
To my surprise ..... these end up true!!! .... kind of creepy though .... but it makes sense .... the order you put them in on the list ...... TRY IT!!!!
we would the cup and the paper burn like when you put news paper on a bbq.
You shouldn't give them food like mash
The flame made it's first appearance at the 1936, in Berlin. It's like 74 years ago, in 2010.
Real money burns bright Orange...Counterfeit bills burn a Blue color
basically all the main mash characters like hotlips,hawkeye,radar
If your creative enough
Checkers, cards, pencil and paper games like hangman
Lead does not burn with a visible flame like wood or paper. When heated, lead can oxidize and form a white or yellowish powder called lead oxide.
Reactions with oxygen (air) involved, like burning paper, are exothermic. Exception: formation of many nitrogen-oxygen compounds (NOx) are endothermic.
Burning Like a Flame was created in 1987.
Like a Flame was created on 23-12-22.
Tom likes sausages and potatoes and bangers and mash are one of his favourites.