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Q: What are some of the repercussions of falling asleep at the wheel?
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Why do some people breath heavily when falling asleep?

Some people breath heavily when falling asleep to release all the carbon dioxide in their lungs faster, to provide more oxygen to the brain.

How can a person have a hard time falling asleep?

A person could have a hard time falling asleep for many reasons. Too much adrenaline, caffeine or stress could all lead to difficulty in sleeping. Some people are naturally light sleepers or are just wired in such away that have a hard time falling asleep.

What chemical is found in coffee and soft drinks that prevents some people from falling asleep?


Why is it dangerous to drive on antihistamines?

Some can make you sleepy and you may fall asleep at the wheel.

What are some home remedies one can try when experiencing trouble falling asleep?

Some home remedies for one to try when experiencing trouble falling asleep are drink cherry juice, avoid caffeine before bedtime, establish a regular sleeping time and many more.

What are some effective strategies for falling asleep quickly in a car?

Some effective strategies for falling asleep quickly in a car include finding a comfortable position, using a travel pillow or blanket, blocking out light and noise, and practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing or visualization.

What are some home remedies to help with falling asleep?

There are a number of home remedies that can help with assisting people to fall asleep. Some of these remedies include magnesium and calcium supplements, wild lettuce and aromatherapy.

What does it mean when you dream about falling but you are not the person falling?

In dreams, it really makes no difference whether the dreamer or some one else is falling. Other people in dreams usually represent the dreamer. Falling can merely represent "falling" asleep, or it can mean feeling totally out of control in some area of life.

What were some negative repercussions of critics about the equal rights amendment?

critics of the amendment pointed out some negative repercussions. What were they?

Why do some people talk so much mixed up stuff after falling asleep?

because their crazy i do not believe they are talking to their enter God

Signs that a person is falling asleep?

Some may be either:Their falling over while sitting up.If your having a conversation, it takes them a lot longer than normal to reply.Their already asleep.And some other obvious reasons/signs.

Does Carpal Tunnel include hands falling asleep at night?

If your hands are falling asleep at night, that suggests inadequate blood circulation rather than carpal tunnel syndrome. Quite possibly you are not holding your arms in a good position to promote blood circulation. Do not bend the elbows; straight arms are less constricting to blood vessels. On the other hand, some early symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome can be mistaken for things like poor circulation in the hands ( and hands falling asleep).