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Haha, nice question(: This is weird answering this but i will anyways. Some people say that you can spell your name in cursive with your tongue in the other persons mouth. But it really depends on if your trying to make it sexy(: If your trying to make it sexy then yeah, move around your tongue and if your a girl, bite the bottom lip but not hard, and not for long, just make it smooth !! If your a guy, hold the girls hips, butt, or sometimes neck and move around your tongue alot. GUYS! MAKE SURE THAT YOU KISS THE GIRL ON THE NECK A COUPLE OF TIMES WHEN YOUR DONE MAKING OUT ! That's pretty much all of it.

Your welcome and i feel better now that im done with answering this. But seriously, its very cute [sexy] so try it one time.

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12y ago
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12y ago

At first it's a little awkward, and i didn't really get the hang of it in my first relationship. But it feels weird to first tongue tie. But that's exactly what you should do. When you start getting in the makings and both of you are open mouthed kissing, try experimenting. Idle your touge into his/her mouth and "look" for his/her tongue. Start pushing it and messing around. Don't go crazy, but mess around. If your partner has had any experience before, then follow the reins. But if it's your fist time. Take it easy, try and do it with out thinking "this feels weird". Cause it does at first. Eventually both of you will mature and you'll figure out what to do.

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15y ago

it gently touches his or her tongue but not with a lot of force

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15y ago

We lock our lips other and touch our tongue with his tongue and share our saliva with him and share the kiss

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14y ago

get a life luzer! i french kiss hot girls all day and i ain't givin' no tips. p.s. f**k that s**t

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12y ago

Move it along a cheese grater.

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14y ago

it massages the othher person's tongue

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13y ago

You use your tongue to touch her tongue.

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15y ago

clean ir

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