Depending on usage the biggest long term effect is long and short term memory loss, heart problems, serotonin deformation, etc.
I recommend
Long term effects , memory loss
Long term effects:Depression.Drowsiness.Muscle aches.Loss of appetite.Insomnia.Loss of concentration.Irritability.
some short term effects of ecstasy may include confusion, short term memory loss, mild to severe depression, mood swings and user may feel physically tired or burnt.
I'm pretty sure you get holes in your brain.
It may not be common, but it certainly happens. Ecstasy is a very unpredictable drug.
Ecstasy use has been associated with cognitive deficits, particularly in memory and other cognitive functions. Studies suggest that heavy or long-term use of Ecstasy may lead to long-lasting cognitive impairments in some individuals. However, further research is needed to fully understand the effects of Ecstasy on intelligence scores.
Putting this question on
Matters how much you take and how often it will effect by short term memory and will mess up your sarotonin levels making you feel depressed
Sometimes death. Pretty long term!
Ecstasy is not considered as addictive as heroin or cocaine, but its use can cause number of short term effects & long term effects if continue using it. Short term effects include. 1. Nausea 2. Hallucinations 3. Chills & sweating 4. Increased body temp 5. Tremors 6. Muscle cramping 7. Blurred vision While Long Term Effects are very alarming & there is need for proper treatment and with drawl is must. There are much Scientific studies and analysis going on in the last couple of years on the Long Term effects of ecstasy use. There are number of risks, if use for longer period of time, including: Some consequences caused by long periods of use 1. Dehydration 2. Hypertension 3. Hyperthermia 4. Heart failure 5. Kidney failure 6. Brain damage
long term effects can be mental retardation or also can have cerebral palsy