Some reputable body jewelry websites include Hot Topic and Spencer's. Body jewelry can also be purchased from websites such as Fresh Trends and Body Candy.
You should ask an antique seller or antique expert to determine the value of body jewelry.
Bioplast jewelry is jewelry used for body piercings. Bioplast jewelry is made up of different types of plastic. This makes it more compatible than metal for body piercings as some people are allergic to certain metals.
There are many websites in which one can find different types of body jewelry for sale including red hanging body jewelry. Some sites for example are and, both of which constantly have sales.
Some types of body jewelry are earrings, necklaces, bracelets, belly chairs, nose rings, tongue rings, belly button rings, cartiledge rings, toe rings, and anklets.
Pawn shops may have some good jewelry but not much of variety to choose from.You don't need to go to pawn shops to get wonderful body jewelry when you can get new and really good ones on sites like spencersonline, amazon, and bodycandy.
Some examples of the different types of gold body jewelry that could be seen at the Dior fashion show in 2011 consists of belly rings, and labret rings.
Tattoo parlors are often the best place to get piercings and body jewelry. The people at these shops are trained specifically on the proper techniques and carry high-quality products.
There are many consequences of poor hygiene. Some could be physical, emotional and social. Some of them are: 1)Body odor 2)Spread of air borne diseases 3)Being shunned by people 4)Body sicknesses 5)Skin diseases such as rashes 6)Emotional breakdown and depression
some personal hygiene procedure every day
It is the nickel in some silver jewelry that reacts with your body chemistry to turn your skin and the jewelry black. .925 Sterling Silver, such as that offered by Tiffany and Silpada, contains no nickel. .925 sterling silver is 92.5 pure silver, with only 6.5% copper added for stablity.
The best place to get information about health and safety aspects of body jewelry is to ask your docter. Or in a local hospital, you could find some information on the web, but I don't know if it is trustable.