What grass seeds grow fastest? Which laundry detergent cleans best? Which soda mainly decays teeth? What grass seeds grow fastest? Which laundry detergent cleans best? Which soda mainly decays teeth?
go to the site Google.com and ask good science fair projects
eating your butt
Go to sciencebuddies.com it has a lot of good ideas
1. Momentum of a horse.
mini wind turbine, non neutonion fluids, circutry
a good heritage fair project is wayne gretzky!
Decomposition, energy, light, electricity, and photosynthesis are all good science fair topics
There are so many interesting ideas a 9th grader can do for a science fair project. One can do a project on whether gum helps you to concentrate, how carnivorous plants digest insects, or the effect of the overpopulation of guppies.
me and my friend gib did one last year. we did how hockey stick flex affects a shooter accuracy!!! LOL
go to this url http://www.education.com/topic/great-science-fair-project-ideas/?cid=55000.0057667007&s_kwcid=science%20fair|2633042125&gclid=CIyFsLqzv5gCFQMnGgodVzhobA and u will find an idea. they are quick and easy ones too, that are capable of getting a good grade. or go to ask.com and type in what is a good science fair project idea Hope that helped!! good luck with ur project!! Read the discussion for some further info.
life science
candy science