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Some good health and hygiene practices are always brushing your teeth and always taking a shower. You should always wash your hands after using the restroom as well.

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Q: What are some good health and hygiene practices?
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How do boys typically handle personal hygiene practices, such as wiping, in comparison to girls?

Boys typically handle personal hygiene practices, such as wiping, in a similar way to girls. However, some studies suggest that boys may be less thorough in their hygiene practices compared to girls. It is important for both boys and girls to maintain good hygiene habits to prevent infections and promote overall health.

What are conditions and practices that promote health during civil war?

their hygiene, it was really bad so it caused some soldiers to become sick and it promoted their health. hope i helped

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What are the disadvantages of personal hygiene?

You may remove some beneficial, commensal organisms

What is hygiene standards?

Hygiene is a set of practices performed for the preservation of health. While in modernmedical sciences there is a set of standards of hygiene recommended for different situations, what is considered hygienic or not can vary between different cultures, gendersand etarian groups. Some regular hygienic practices may be considered good habits by a society while the neglect of hygiene can be considered disgusting, disrespectful or even threatening.Sanitation involves the hygenic disposal and treatment by the civic authority of potentially unhealthy human waste, such as sewerage and drainage.

What is basic health and hygiene?

some personal hygiene procedure every day

Some of the benefits of following appropriate personal hygiene practices?


Prepare a speech of health and hygiene to be delivered in the morning assembly of your school?

Hygiene is an old concept related to medicine, as well as to personal and professional care practices related to most aspects of living, although it is most often wrongly associated with cleanliness.[citation needed] In medicine, hygiene practices are employed as preventative measures to reduce the incidence and spreading of disease. Other uses of the term appear in phrases including: body hygiene, mental hygiene, domestic hygiene, dental hygiene, and occupational hygiene, used in connection with public health. The term "hygiene" is derived from Hygeia, the Greek goddess of health, cleanliness and sanitation. Hygiene is also the name of a branch of science that deals with the promotion and preservation of health, also called hygienics. Hygiene practices vary widely, and what is considered acceptable in one culture might not be acceptable in another. [edit]Medical hygiene Medical hygiene pertains to the hygiene practices related to the administration of medicine, and medical care, that prevents or minimizes disease and the spreading of disease. Medical hygiene practices include: Isolation or quarantine of infectious persons or materials to prevent spread of infection. Sterilization of instruments used in surgical procedures. Use of protective clothing and barriers, such as masks, gowns, caps, eyewear and gloves. Proper bandaging and dressing of injuries. Safe disposal of medical waste. Disinfection of reusables (i.e. linen, pads, uniforms) Scrubbing up, hand-washing, especially in an operating room, but in more general health-care settings as well, where diseases can be transmitted[1] Most of these practices were developed in the 19th century and were well established by the mid-20th century. Some procedures (such as disposal of medical waste) were tightened up as a result of late-20th century disease outbreaks, notably AIDS and Ebola. [edit]Body hygiene

Is there a standard definition from OSHA or some other government agency that defines Good Industrial Hygiene Practices?

No. There is no standard definition from OSHA or another agency that defines "good industrial hygiene practice." Such a definition would have to cover the whole of the profession of industrial hygiene. That usually takes tow or more years of training , plus field experience, to do.

What desirable practices are necessary in developin personal health?

Personal cleanliness and hygiene, where possible, is very desirable. Clean body, clean clothes, clean home, everything clean. Not being wrong on purpose, even in the thoughts, is healthy and good for anyone. All virtues are healthy (such as kindness, decency, politeness. respectful truthfulness and balance, plus dozens of other virtues). All vices, such as rudeness, is unhealthy. This is generally speaking, do not "go overboard" on this nor to take it too far. Some moderate and decent physical exercise, daily, if possible, yoga is good to tone the muscles, I find hatha yoga is very good. Some good work is always a rule for prosperity, in some way or another, and is often about some good mental exercise. Good mental hygiene is another pointer to good physical health, and self-esteem. There is more than this to encourage good health.

What desirable practices are necessary in developing personal health?

Personal cleanliness and hygiene, where possible, is very desirable. Clean body, clean clothes, clean home, everything clean. Not being wrong on purpose, even in the thoughts, is healthy and good for anyone. All virtues are healthy (such as kindness, decency, politeness. respectful truthfulness and balance, plus dozens of other virtues). All vices, such as rudeness, is unhealthy. This is generally speaking, do not "go overboard" on this nor to take it too far. Some moderate and decent physical exercise, daily, if possible, yoga is good to tone the muscles, I find hatha yoga is very good. Some good work is always a rule for prosperity, in some way or another, and is often about some good mental exercise. Good mental hygiene is another pointer to good physical health, and self-esteem. There is more than this to encourage good health.

What were some common issues concerning health and hygiene that concerned people in the Victorian Era?

peoples personal hygiene and infections couldnt be cured like today