heya yo...u need 2 start a convo..in the convo u put which of these questions u would find useful or applicable to ur crush (but dont just ask them in a list or u will sound like csi.):
i dont kno if that was 20....but good luck..u seem keen so i am sure u wont give up, so they will date u eventually.....just dont give up for over a year they will see you are serious..and like u.
Chat with our AI personalities
Here are some ideas:
1. who do you like
2. what do you like about me
3. if you could date any teacher who would it be
I know they are weird-- but they work. Haha-- hope these helpeddd(:
Whats your perfect kiss?
What would be your dream life? house, job, kids, wife, car
Whats the farthest you've gone not in a relationship?
Whats the farthest you've gone in a relationship?
What was your first impression of me?
Whats your perfect girl?
What kind of relationship would you be looking for right now?
What would you rather be called and why? (hot, cute, sexy, attractive)
What nicknames would you want to be called by you gf?
Would you ever consider cheating as a good thing, in any way? Why?
What is the first thing you notice about a girl?
What is love at first sight to you? Do you believe in it?
What is a turn off in a girl? And a turn on?
Who long was your longest relationship?
Do you think you have a good body?
Whats the more embarassing thing you've ever been caught doing?
What are some nicknames you'd call your girlfriend?
What do you think is a girls best feature?
Whats your best feature?
If you could take your gf anywhere in the world, where would you go? why?
What is your biggest regreat regarding a girl or girlfriend
Describe yourself in 3 words
Describe me in 3 words
Do you like it when the girl makes the first move, or do you perfer to do it?
What would you do for your anniversary for your girlfriend, at this age?
Where is your place to be kissed is? (lips, nose, forhead, cheak, anywhere, etc.)
If you could go out with any celebrity, who would it be?
If you could be anyone in the world for the night who would you be and what would you do?
What's your favorite TV show?
Do you ever miss your ex?
Have you ever lied to me?
Would you ever consider us as more than friends?
Would you watch a sappy, girly movie with your gf? How would you comfort her
and her tears?
Have you ever talked about going farther with a gf or girl?
Would you rather chill with your boys? Or have a night with your girl and you?
Talk about things that you are both interested in like classes you have together or teachers that you hate, or you think are wierd. Just pretend you're talking to you're friend, but be carefree, cause guys hate stuckup girls. VISE VERSA AS WELL :)
Ask them what they like and then if they say stuff you have in common ask them if they like you