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Q: What are some factors that influence personal air choices?
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Some factors that influence music include cultural background, personal experiences, emotional state, social environment, and technological advancements. These factors shape the style, themes, emotions, and messages found in music.

What factors are there that influence HNS operations?

Some of the factors that influence the HNS operations are logistics, the personnel and dependability. Other factors are competition and the availability of the local resources.

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There are many factors that influence contingency planning. A contingency plan is a written list of procedures in case of emergencies. It is essentially a back up plan. Some factors that influence it in business are business goals, government regulations, and economic concerns.

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Movies, Tv Shows, Celebrities, Friends, etc.

What political and economic factors influence societies to make policy choices for their nations?

There can be plenty of factors influencing policy making in a country. Some are:geographical factors.socio-economic factors.multiculturalism.plurality of the country.castesim.class differences.poverty and backwardness.if you need to go more into depth on this topic... search Google or Yahoo Answers

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group influence. level of income culture and religous beliefs

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King George II has had some negative spotlight during his reign because of personal choices. However, scholars believe that after reassessing his legacy, he held and exercised a great influence over foreign appointments.

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some examples of these influences that contribute to an individual's food choices include individual factors, such as knowledge, personal taste preference, mood, hunger level

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law culture people philophy and religion are considerd the influences on the personal ethics but in my point of view the nature of person is also an influence on ethics some poeple are rigid and some are libral they behave according and i think ethics disturbed from this

What is personal causation?

Personal causation refers to the individual's perceived ability to have an impact on their own outcomes and experiences. It is the belief that one's actions, choices, and efforts can directly influence the results they achieve in their life. This concept is based on the idea that individuals have some level of control and responsibility over their own circumstances.

What factors influence the group cohesiveness of the people with whom you work?

There several factors that influence the group cohesiveness of the people with whom you work. Some of them include professional ethics, being a team player and having etiquette among others.

What are the factors that influence health?

There are many, many thing that influence your health. Some common ones (some a person can control, others a person cannot) are.... *Diet / Nutrition *BMI (Body Mass Index) *Exercise Habits *Muscle Mass *Body Fat Percentage *Bad Personal Habits (drinking, smoking, ect.) *General Activity Level *Family History / Genetics *Environmental Factors / Pollution