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Q: What are some factors that contribute to life expectancy?
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What determines life?

Many factors contribute to a person's life expectancy. Some of these factors include heredity, health condition and diseases, and environment.

What determines life expectancy?

Life expectancy is determined by various factors including genetics, lifestyle choices (such as diet and exercise), access to quality healthcare, socioeconomic status, environmental factors, and healthcare infrastructure. Additionally, advancements in medical technology and public health initiatives can also play a significant role in determining life expectancy.

Does life expectancy vary by life?

Yes, life expectancy can vary by country, region, gender, socioeconomic status, and lifestyle factors. Generally, more developed countries tend to have higher life expectancies compared to less developed countries. Healthy lifestyle habits such as staying active, not smoking, and maintaining a balanced diet can also contribute to a longer life expectancy.

Lipidoses disorders pose what serious risks?

Some lipidoses disorders may cause death in childhood or contribute to a shortened life expectancy.

What continent has low life expectancy?

Africa has some of the lowest life expectancy rates among its countries, attributed to factors such as poverty, disease, malnutrition, and lack of access to healthcare. Countries in sub-Saharan Africa specifically have some of the shortest life expectancies in the world.

Which of these answer choices shows that literacy rate and life expectancy are sometimes unrelated?

A society where literacy rate is high but life expectancy is low due to other factors like poor healthcare infrastructure or infectious disease outbreaks.

What is the life expectancy for some born in 1847?

The life expectancy for someone born in 1847 was around 40-45 years old. This was due to factors like high infant mortality rates, infectious diseases, and limited medical advancements compared to today.

What is the cause of the increase in population?

The increase in population is primarily due to factors such as improved healthcare, advancements in agriculture and technology, and higher life expectancy. Additionally, factors like declining birth rates in some regions and migration also contribute to population growth.

How long is the life expectancy of a fly?

It depends on the type of the fly. For some flies, the life expectancy rate can be 24 hours! A "house fly"'s average is seven to ten days, but it can live up to a month in colder environments.

what is the life expectancy of a bulldog?

Most bulldogs are given an eight year life expectancy however there are several factors that need to be taken in to consideration. Their lineage, overall health and specific breed can add several years to their life however there are some specific breeds that are only expected to live six years.

What is the average life expectancy of a bulldog?

Most bulldogs are given an eight year life expectancy however there are several factors that need to be taken in to consideration. Their lineage, overall health and specific breed can add several years to their life however there are some specific breeds that are only expected to live six years.

Why is life expectancy rate for women higher than the men?

Women generally live longer than men due to biological factors such as hormonal and genetic differences that provide some protection against certain diseases. Additionally, women tend to seek medical care more regularly than men and are more likely to engage in healthier lifestyle behaviors, all of which contribute to their longer life expectancy.