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Mackenzies smelling salts is popular and widely available in the UK.

They are quite out of fashion in the US.Hospitals use ammonia ampules. If you want to make some, find a bottle with a 1/2 inch diameter opening. Fill 1/2 with rock salt, like pickling salt or ice cream salt. Add 1 Tbl ammonia, alittle essential oil like lavendar or lemon verbena. stick a cotton ball on top. Close tightly and shake a bit. Keep tightly closed. When used, just wave back and forth under victims nose about 2 inches under nostrils. DO NOT shove bottle right up to nostrils or hold steady right under the nose.

If that's too much work, just keep some asofoetida in a bottle. It's smells bad enough to wake the dead and is a natural herb.

Hospitals use ammonia ampoules, and I have not seen any smelling salts commercially in the US since the 1950's.

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Ammonia gas gives the characteristic odor to smelling salts and some household cleaners. It is a strong and pungent-smelling gas that is used for its cleaning and disinfecting properties.

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The Adventure of the Smelling Salts - 1912 was released on: USA: 1 October 1912

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Ammonia is the gas that gives smelling salts and household cleaners their characteristic odor. It has a strong, pungent smell that is easily recognizable.

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The cast of The Adventure of the Smelling Salts - 1912 includes: Maurice Costello as Lambert Chase - Detective

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The color of universal indicator in smelling salts can vary depending on the specific chemical composition and pH of the salts. However, typically smelling salts with universal indicator will change color to indicate the presence of ammonia gas, which is often associated with a blue or green color change in the indicator solution.

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