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Rainbows don't do anythng to you at all, good or bad.

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Q: What are some bad things rainbows do to you?
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What are the most interesting things about rainbows?

The most interesting things about rainbows is that rainbows have colors of the spectrum and colors look beautiful.

What do people notice about rainbows?

Some things people notice about rainbows are the different colors, size, its location, and where it appears to start and end.

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Some bad things is they use human sacrifice so be careful

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Why do you have rainbows?

Rainbows are caused by sunlight being refracted, or bent, as it passes through raindrops in the air. This refraction separates the sunlight into its different colors, creating the arc of colors we see in a rainbow.

What are some things that are colourful?

Rainbows, flowers, tropical fish, sunsets, and stained glass windows are all examples of colorful things.

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yes there will be some unicorns n rainbows n all those happy things in the baby-ish movies

What are some bad things about camels?

They spit and smell bad.

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What were some good things about mercantilism?

some good things about mercantilism was that they had to get together to find out some things about people. They didn'tknow what to do about those good things but they did know what to do about the bad things. And you will know more about the bad things whenever you ask the question.

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Some bad things that you should know about ancient Sparta is that you were born in an orphanage there. And you were an accident