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there are no "safe days" to keep from being pregnant. you can even become pregnant during your period. that is why many women use Birth Control of some sort. even these are not 100% effective

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Q: What are safe days before and after periods?
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Related questions

How many days are safe after periods?

Three days

Which one is safe before or after?

after periods

Is it possible to diagonise pregnancy five days before periods?

if you have a period, you are not pregnant. don't, YOLO, be safe and use a condom.

Can you get pregnant before 9 days of periods?

Yes. The only safe time really is the first days of your period. You can start ovulating again after you've had a period.

Why does your temperature rise before period?

Mine does rise, about 3 days before periods and falls during periods

How many days are you safe after your periods is seven days after periods are also safe?

The only fairly safe days are the first ones when you bleed. During the others you risk pregnancy. A orgasm can make you start ovulate again and only 12% of all women ovulate on the same day each month.

Can you get pregnant 7 days before your periods then after have a normal 7 days of your period duration?


Can a girl ovulates few days before her periods starts?

Yes, a girl can ovulate a couples of days before her period.

When are my safe periods if i menstuate for 3 days?

best not to try and have sex safe days as cycles vary and sometimes extra eggs are released. use a condom Joymaker RN

Whether it is safe not to use condom 8 days before and after the periods?

a girl can get pregnant anytime, the whole "this many days before or this many days after my period i cant get pregnant" is a myth, shes just as likely to get pregnant no matter when her period was. you should always use birth control if you are not ready for a baby.

Is it safe to have intercourse 7 days before and after your period?

Yes it is safe

Can you get pregnant after your safe days?

What do you mean by safe days? During your period or before you ovulate? Explain please :)