There are a few different pills that are narcotic pain killers in pill form. There is ROXICET, also called TYLOX, ROXANOL (also called Morphine), ROXICODONE (Percocet without the Tylenol). Anyone of these narcotic pain killers are strong, require a prescription, and could be called "ROXIES".
Yup. Roxies are oxycodone and acetaminophen.
roxie's are made out of small dolls that have hair and stylish clothes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Between 20 and 25 dollars as of 2012...
Roxy is a slang term for roxicodone.
blue Green Purple Yellow Orange Red
Oxycodone IS the real name of the medication.
snort that stuff that's craps weak if you inject it !!!BONG!!!
no they r immediate release, oxys r time released.
You mean something like "to pass a pot test I'll take some roxies"? Don't do that. You'll come up hot for both THC and roxies.
In a county in Florida -- Yes!!