include biographical, demographic, physical, mental, emotional, sociocultural, sexual, and spiritual data.
Virginia Berridge has written: 'Health and society in Britain since 1939' -- subject(s): Health, History, Medical policy, Public health, Social aspects, Social aspects of Health, Social aspects of Medical policy, Social aspects of Public health, Social medicine 'Making Health Policy' 'Drugs Research and Policy in Britain'
Gino Leonardo Di Mitri has written: 'Storia biomedica del tarantismo nel XVIII secolo' -- subject(s): Health aspects, Health aspects of Tarantella, Health aspects of Tarantism, History, Medicine, Tarantella, Tarantism
Rick Rennie has written: 'The dirt' -- subject(s): Diseases, Employees, Fluorspar industry, Health and hygiene, Health aspects, Health aspects of Fluorspar industry, History, Mineral dusts, Miners, Toxicology
Michel de Pracontal has written: 'La guerre du tabac' -- subject(s): Health aspects, Health aspects of Tobacco use, History, Prevention, Smoking, Tobacco use
Sarah S. Elkind has written: 'Public works and public health' -- subject(s): History, Public health, Public works, Social aspects, Social aspects of Public works
Timothy J. LeCain has written: 'Mass destruction' -- subject(s): Copper industry and trade, Copper mines and mining, Environmental aspects, Environmental aspects of Copper mines and mining, Health aspects, Health aspects of Copper mines and mining, History, Mining engineering
Michon Mackedon has written: 'Bombast' -- subject(s): Nuclear weapons, Testing, History, Environmental aspects, Health aspects, Atomic bomb
The five aspects of health are; Physical Health, Social Health, Mental Health, Emotional Health, and Spritual Health no mommy no way
Peter Kelly has written: 'Smashed!' -- subject(s): Social aspects, Health aspects, Drinking of alcoholic beverages, Psychological aspects, Drunkenness (Criminal law), Alcoholism, Terminology, History
Pamela K. Gilbert has written: 'Mapping the Victorian social body' 'Cholera and nation' -- subject(s): Attitude to Health, Cholera, Christianity, History, History, 19th Century, Politics, Public Health Practice, Religion and Medicine, Religious aspects, Religious aspects of Cholera, Social aspects, Social aspects of Cholera 'The citizen's body' -- subject(s): Civilization, History, Public health, Social conditions 'Disease, Desire, and the Body in Victorian Women's Popular Novels (Cambridge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture)'
Bruce C. Paton has written: 'Lewis & Clark' -- subject(s): Discovery and exploration, Frontier and pioneer life, Health, Health aspects, Health aspects of Lewis and Clark Expedition, History, Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804-1806), Medicine
Pierluigi Tedeschi has written: 'Pompeo Neri e l'economia termale' -- subject(s): Economic aspects of Health resorts, Health resorts, History