There once was a time when the only computers known to the average person were those the military possessed. Eventually, large corporations found many different uses for computers in the business world, and today, computers are as common in numerous households around the globe. People from all age groups are learning to operate computers and anyone who has worked with computers for long periods of time knows that computers can be just as addicting as smoking. Computer addiction can have a number of physical, social, and psychological effects on a person and it is to be taken as seriously as any other addiction that a person is battling. One common physical effect computer addiction can have on a person are back problems. Sitting for so long can take a toll on a person's muscles and can result in poor posture. Poor posture can result in chronic back problems that require the services of a chiropractor. Dry eyes, carpal . . .
In this age of computers, computer addiction will only increase as time passes. Within the lives of computer addicts it is their friends and family that suffer the most from this form of alienation. Because of the long hours spent engrossed in a computer, addicts often have eating irregularities, such as skipping meals and binge eating. Lacking the desire to make contact with others, means lacking the desire to create new relationships or to build on already existing ones. They lose the desire for human contact and communication and in a way they are breaking away from reality. When people think of addictions, no one ever thinks of computer addiction to actually be common. Feelings that are common when addicts are at the computer are a sense of euphoria or well-being. For example lying to employers, and family members about their hours spent at the computer and also denying they have a problem. They end up having a constant craving for more time at the computer, and this is where one can identify an addiction. Along with addiction comes a need to cover up their secret and computer addicts often lie to those around them. More and more people will experience the physical, social, and psychological effects of computer addiction but, thankfully, like other addictions, this condition is treatable. All of these physical effects can be linked to computer addiction. After a certain amount of time, they lose their conversation skills completely. tunnel syndrome, and vision complications are some eye problems caused by over use of a computer. They are often moved to the very bottom of the computer addict's list of priorities.
Please specify.
Psychological effects are any effect that an ingested substance has on your cognition. If it makes you think differently, see differently, hear differently, etc, that's a psychological effect. As to the original question, I'd imagine the psychological effects OF psychological effects to be something along the lines of "Huh, this feels interesting. Hmm, I'm happier all of a sudden. Now I'm kinda angry. Now that tree's sorta dancing, and I'm happy again."
For the severely mentally ill, the number one effect of their disorder is the inability to interact with society. They stay to themselves, experiencing hallucinations or delusions from time to time. The effects on the life of the patient are on a continuum from mild to severe depending on the nature and symptoms of whatever disorder is experienced.
There are no negative psychological effects of homosexuality anywhere.
No, other than psychological effects, culture shock has other implications such as insomnia and fear.
aesthetic effects: the psychological responses to beauty and artistic experiences.
Effects of psychological abuse can be long lasting and devastating. There are many different effects of psychological abuse that include shame, guilt, anxiety, crying, feeling helpless, avoidance of eye contact, and fear. Other effects can include depression, substance abuse, low self-esteem, and withdrawal.
That you haven't tried it yet.
Depression and anger
music refresh the mind ....
There are various meaning when it comes to "psychological effects". Some may come to believe that what they are experiencing is wholly psychological. Not sure of the technological term for the false beliefs of supposed mental deformations. However, as for the actual psychological effects of alcohol (as i have experienced them for my self..dt, hallucinations, paranoia, wd symptoms, etc. etc.), there are none. So, go out and have an effin drink and enjoy life for what it is. Life is psychological. Everything is psychological. Dont think about it. You should be good.
Rejection from the public.
Psychological dependence..
Psychological dependence..