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Other diseases caused by spirochetes include yaws and Lyme disease. Other infections spread by sex include chlamydia and gonorrhea. Other diseases causing genital lesions include chancroid and herpes.

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Q: What are other types of diseases like syphilis?
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Spirochetes are a type of bacteria, not a protist. They are characterized by their spiral-shaped morphology and are known to cause diseases such as Lyme disease and syphilis.

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Diseases are transmitted by feco-oral or fecal-oral route. Like cholera or hepatitis. By air borne route. Like flu. By vectors. Like malaria or African sleeping sickness. By sexual contacts with infected person. Like HIV and syphilis.

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No but they can get them from other people like West Nile or other diseases

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If your overweight it can cause alot of diseases like heart disease and sometime certain types of cancer. I know there are many more though.