Yes, music can affect the reflexes. Music is also known to affect the mood of human beings and the overall brain activity.
The medulla oblongata is a part of the brain stem involved in these reflexes. And no your eyes will not pop out if you sneeze with them open. Closing the eyes is part of the reflex and you have no control over reflexes.
Given the nearly-instantaneous production of incredible muscular force, his reflexes would have to be on a par with mammalian animals, or considerably faster than the average human.
"Reflexes 2" or "reflexes +2" indicates normal reflexes.
Ivan Pavlov
Two somatic reflexes that involve higher brain centers are the withdrawal reflex and the crossed extensor reflex. These reflexes involve complex coordination from the brain to produce appropriate responses to stimuli, such as withdrawing a hand from a hot surface or maintaining balance when stepping on a sharp object.
The ciliospinal reflex and the pupillary light reflex are classified as autonomic reflexes.
if you don't have reflexes,you can't move because your body like a rock and a reflexes.
Babies are born with reflexes. These reflexes, such as rooting and sucking, make it so the baby can survive.
The sloths have slow reflexes.
The Human Reflex Physiology Review Sheet states that "Conversely, other reflexes require the involvement of the brain, since many different inputs must be evaluated before the appropriate reflex is determined. Superficial cord reflexes and pupillary responses to light are in this category" (p. 342).
because a dog has way faster reflexes than any human