If it is a friendship it means you are good Friend's. However if it is with a boy and a girl it mite mean they like you. try asking them. if tey say ''Will you marry me?'' I suggest saying no. if they say '' Ewww get away you creeper" than i would punch him/her in the face!
hope it helped!
hug day is when you hug people on a day that is just meant for hugs no kiss just hugs on hug day.
hug day is when you hug people on a day that is just meant for hugs no kiss just hugs on hug day.
Well here is the link to the official Free Hugs Campaign. http://www.freehugscampaign.org/
Maybe it was because it was all hugs and kisses and he needed a break for a little?
You were meant to be together.
hugs and kissesHugs and kisses! Hugs and kisses!
I'm a Aquariou's and I'm in a relationship with a leo
if he talks to you, asks for hugs, and doesnt kiss you on the cheeck much, then its jsut s good friendship, if he does kiss you on the cheek, then its a relationship. when you hug, if he rubs your back its a relationship hes after if when he hugs you he just puts his arms one over the other and jsut stands there its just good frends. this is cmoing from a guy.
Hugs as a greeting is fine, but cuddling up together is not right when he is in a relationship. When in doubt put yourself in the shoes of his girlfriend.
The relationship between people influence the way we interact with them. Giving hugs is generally for people you are close to, although you may shake someone's hand if you are not as close to them.
The relationship between people influence the way we interact with them. Giving hugs is generally for people you are close to, although you may shake someone's hand if you are not as close to them.
the meaning of a relationship is to see if they are the one you are meant to be with till the day you die.