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Benefits of Ginger Root*: Immune system boost, anitoxidant activity, chronic fatigue, cough, cold or flu, bacterial infections, dizziness, nausea, motion sickness, Arthritis, depression, morning sickness, infertility, swelling, anti-inflammatory, kidney stones, virul infections, tonsilitis, Raynauds disease, menstrual cramps, sciatica, seborrhea, ulcers, swelling and worms. *From "The Green Pharmacy" by Dr. James Duke.

Ginger is an essential herb that should be in every herbal medicine chest.

Ginger Root reseach and Medical Uses:

New Research!: Ginger root was recently the subject of a startling new research report presented at The American Association for Cancer research conference in Phoenix. In the study, ginger actually suppressed cancer cells suggesting that the herb was able to fuel apoptosis or the death of the cancer cells. Ginger has been shown to work against skin, ovarian, colon and Breast cancer. But it had not been shown to halt the progression of cancer until now.

Ginger is one of the most interesting and useful herbal health tonics, and one of the easiest to use. It is a great flavoring for many foods including Ginger Ale and ginger snaps, and is used throughout the world. Scientists have isolated several compounds in Ginger that have specific effects against the most common family of cold viruses. It is anti-inflammatory, improving arthritis, and it is commonly used in Asia to prevent migrains and vertigo.

Ginger is a general health tonic that improves circulation, aids with digestive problems and has anti-inflammatory properties possibly more powerful than over the counter pain relievers without the side effects. It is helpful in the treatment of anything from angina and fatigue, to depression and tendinitus. One of the more promising uses is in treating nausea and motion sickness.

If you have ever experienced nausea from travel in any form there is one thing that you know for sure; you never want to experience it again. Ginger has been found to be more effective than the familiar over-the-counter remedies without the side effects. Chinese sailors chewed ginger root for sea sickness thousands of years ago.

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Is a ginger root a root?

Ginger is a spice

Which part of ginger is used in medicines?

The root of the Ginger are used for medications

Can you use expired ginger root pills?

No. If there's an expiration date on something, then it is there for a reason.

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What is ginger?

Ginger is used as a spice. It is the root (rhizome) of a plant known as Zingiber officinale, ginger also comes in a processed dried powder made from the root.

Is ginger root a fruit or vegetable?

Ginger is a under ground stem used as vegetable

Why is ginger considered a root?

Ginger, as a spice or whole, is a root. That root is able to sprout after being harvested, making whole raw ginger a good investment in my opinion.

Does ginger ale soda have anything to do with ginger root?

Ginger ale is actually made from the ginger root.

Is ginger a stem or root tuber?

Yes, ginger is a tuber.

What is ginger root?

It is the root of the ginger plant. It's used fresh in many Asian dishes (sliced or minced). It is also dried and crushed in to powder and used in baked goods like gingerbread. can ginger root be found in a vitamin? Ginger is a plus for a diabetes & heart. Get real ginger root slice in thin slices put in your tea let it set than drink it. Answer: it is a fantastic vegetable root , a floweringbplant in the family Zingiberaceae whose rhizome , ginger root or simply ginger is a widely used spice. It has many uses such as preventing nausea esp morning sickness, stomach sickness, travel sickness, flu, heartburn, colic, irritable bowel syndrome, reduces joint inflammation.