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oak,maple,and spite

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Q: What are example of simple leaf?
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Is a 4 leaf clover an example simple leaf?


Is corn leaf a simple or compound?

A corn leaf is a simple leaf because it consists of a single blade attached to the stem without any leaflets.

What is a oak leaf a good example of?

simple leaf with netted venation

What is a good example of blade grass?

simple leaf with parallel venation -ash (:

Is a mulberry leaf a simple or compound leaf?

A mulberry leaf is a simple leaf ::::::

What simple machine will be an example of a rake?

Leaf rake is a lever, which on of the 6 type of simple machine.

Is the tea leaf a simple leaf?

No the tea leaf is not a simple leaf because a tea leaf do not look like a simple leaf.

Is pepper leaf is a simple or compound leaf?

Simple leaf

Is pomegranate leaf simple or compound leaf?

Pomegranate leaf is simple leaf.

Is a Russian Olive leaf a compound leaf or a simple leaf?

it is a simple leaf.

Is a banana leaf simple or compound leaf?

simple leaf

Is a cherry leaf a simple leaf or a compound leaf?
